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Belgium funds central province’s drainage system

VGP – The Belgian Government has donated €10 million of non-refundable aid for the central province of Ninh Thuận to better environment, manage water resources and provide public water services.

July 07, 2010 10:16 AM GMT+7

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The project, worth €13 million in total with over €3 million as the province’s counterpart funding, will target to the construction of a drainage system, a sewage treatment plant, and a sanitation network for local residents in Phước Dân Town, Ninh Phước District.

In addition, the project will set up a drainage system in Khánh Hải Town, Ninh Hải District while constructing the Ô Căm Dam and an irrigation system for the ethnic group of Raglai in Phước Trung Commune (Bắc Ái District).

As part of the project, training courses will be opened to raise management capacity and expertise for local officials. 

By Khánh Phương