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Priority given to training of cadres for disadvantageous areas

VGP – The State has established boarding schools for students from ethnic minority groups and from disadvantageous areas in order to create a powerful contingent of cadres for these localities.

September 06, 2008 10:37 AM GMT+7


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According to the Statutes on organization and operation of ethnic boarding schools (EBSs) recently issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, the EBSs are founded at two levels: district (for junior secondary education) and provincial (senior secondary education).

These are specialized compulsory educational establishments equipped with devices and facilities like other standard schools of the same kinds. Besides, EBSs have boarding houses; teachers’ office and houses; cultural houses; classrooms, and vocational facilities. Managers, teachers, staff and students at EBSs are granted with preferential policies by the State.

Each classroom has a maximum number of 35 students. All graduates from EBSs are prioritized for further training.

The statistics show that there are now 280 EBSs throughout the country, training 86,000 ethnic minority students. In the period of 2003-2007, 41.3% EBS students entered universities and colleges, 20% to vocational high-schools.

By Hoàng Nguyên